Preparing for Kayaking

During Low tides our tour Guide Is'haka gets prepared

Crossing the Moses Road

When the water comes up (high tides), the road disappears

Planting Mangrove Tree

For every visit, we ask you to plant a mangrove tree

Bee Hives

Local villagers especially women carry out bee keeping

Inside of a tree

Can you believe it, we are inside an alive Bao bao tree? the most iconic African trees

Soap Fruit

Collecting fruits that produce foams for the locals using it to wash clothes

Seeing is Believing

Come and see for your self a fruit turns into soap, wash yours hands.

The Path is clear

Lets go for a ride, going through a mangrove forest kayaking

The Journey has began

A trip to Discover the mangrove through the mangrove swamps

The Journey continues

Dicovering the mangrove forest


The experience you have never felt before, a professional tour guide


The experience you have never felt before, a professional tour guide


The experience you have never felt before, a professional tour guide


The experience you have never felt before, a professional tour guide

Half way through

Seeing Uzi island in a far distance while getting the arial view of the swamp

The Journey continues

The tides are very high, Dicovering the mangrove forest

The Birds Forest

Watching birds and going through the birds mangove formed forest, lots of kind

We are through

Gone through the tiny birds mangrove forest, a home of lots of kind

The Moses Road

Can you believe it? we are on top of Moses Road during high tides

The End of the Journey

The Journey has come to an End, we are glad to have put a smile on your face. Thanks